Bill Fyfe

Bill is a riddle wrapped in an enigma, sprinkled with question marks and garnished with a vaguely quizzical glance. He has consistently snubbed our social events, merely because he lives and works on a different continent ("Air travel", Bill, it's not a new concept and you should really look into it). Because of this, some of his co-workers are convinced that he doesn't exist despite several recent sightings by unreliable witnesses. For that matter, I've worked with him myself but I'm starting to doubt my own veracity.

He prefers Spain to civilization and is a bit of a land baron. Some of his Spanish property is available to rent; be sure to ask about discounted rates for anyone not associated with Overkill.

WWWeb freshness dating:
July 1 2005

He has accomplished the following for Overkill:


Musical selection: "Jerusalem"
Overkill home page