(pic) The HTML Writers Guild

Bill Hand

Born: December 6, 1960 USA

Married: November 1, 1993

Player 3 added: July 28, 2000; Player 4 added: October 15, 2003

WWWeb freshness dating:
Nov 5, 2020

Bill is a really nice guy, just a joy to work for and the author of all these bio pages so you can believe them totally. I wouldn't lie to you. You can reach me as "bill" at this domain.

I collect arcade games (pinball and video).

I started writing Air Traffic Control software for the FAA in 1982, was a founder of each incarnation of Overkill and have performed the following since leaving the FAA:




My library:

Games Recently played:

Board games: Roleplaying games: Videogames:

Music removed by popular request

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